Armless Cape,
Cesare Paciotti knee high boots,
Emblemated….with the exquisite Paciotti dagger.
Red internal leather,
external red soles,
gold finishes,
And the most exquisite zips I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing…
Purchased in Napoli,
when I was 24 years old.
Investment: 966 Australian Dollars, and 30 cents, at the time.
Jade necklace....provided by the Artist herself…The Capturer of the moment,
my photographer.
Citrine ring.
Leather pants.
of course.
Who the f*ck has time to be one with belts and buttons, when the Zombies are coming for us...
Then COVID hit…
And I had a real reason to put my Apocalypse gear on.
I’ve taught Book Coaches, Journalists, Marketing Guru’s and Wordsmiths how to create content that converts.
I’ve opened the minds of Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists, Philosophers, Ethicists, Historians, Doctors, Healers, and Mindset Extraordinaires.
I’ve enabled Creatives, Directors, Producers & Designers to go waaaaaay beyond even their wildest imaginations.
I’m a genius at who I am.
I said to my Sports Doctor “I know Dr P, you and I, we do similar work”
He said “ you have a Phd?”
I said “No, I transform Humanity and the Planet, by being me”
I didn’t get to have the opportunity to bathe in pristine waters,
Inaccessible, other than by boat…
dive off the top decks of various SuperYachts, for half a decade,
offer Denzel Washington a medium rare steak, and glass of red at 8am in the morning in St Tropez,
purchase $1K Italian boots CASH, at the age of 24,
be stopped by the police 4 times in one day in Turkey, without any arrests, and many reasons for them,
because I live a life bound by my external reality…
I am here,
In the existence of limitlessness,
and unstoppable freedom…
Because I am me.
I am Shy.
A huge introvert.
Yet I thrive on deep and meaningful connection.
Presence is one of my greatest Super Powers.
And because of it,
I enable my clients to go places they haven’t yet dreamed of.
I am about the spaces in between the spaces in between.
I see them,
I hear them,
I smell them,
I taste them,
I feel them.
I am not here to persuade anyone of anything.
I have no plan.
I do not know what tomorrow will bring.
All I know,
is that for my 39 years on Planet Earth,
I’ve had the the absolute time of my life…
And wherever I am,
I’ve been,
I’ve invited the willing one’s,
to come play..
the miracles,
the awestruckness nature of life,
and boundlessness of Being Human.
Unless you are ON PURPOSE,
FULLY EMBODIED in your SOUL'S CALLING @ THIS time, on Planet Earth….
You will be suffering.
You will be unfulfilled.
You will be wishing all of this is-ness of this now-ness was over,
before it even began.
Welcome to the 19 that reared it’s discombobulating head,
in 2020.
This NOW-ness, is the greatest moment in history, to BE alive!
Your 10 week business growth pathway to Multi-6 Figures and beyond, using your innate gifts,
right here,
right now,
on Planet Earth,
whilst the world gets mildly Apocaplytic,
with a dash of Orwelian 1984.
Or fall behind.
Get clear on who YOU are,
What YOU came here for,
And build a profitable and sustainable purpose-driven business for the life, and world your soul is yearning for.
Join the Waitlist to save $1,100.
I facilitate this experience once a year.
It does what it says on the tin - An ULTIMATE 10 WEEK BUSINESS ACCELERATOR.
2022 is 3 months away.
If you want it to look different to your 2021.
JOIN THE WAITLIST before 17 September 2021 to save $1,100.
9 places available.
I may cap it at 6.
And to get clear on what you require IN THIS MOMENT to reach Multi-6 Figures and beyond, using your innate gifts > access the FREE Multi-6 Figure Divine Feminine Leader Checklist here.
It’s designed to enable high-frequency men and women in business, conscious leaders, and purpose-driven entrepreneurs to do just that.
With love, light, and excitement for your imminent next level of expansion.
It may be a sh*t show out there.
It’s not your movie.
Direct your own screenplay.
Listen to your inner whispers,
and take courageous action.
Photographer: Amanda Starr
- Mission, Purpose, Vision (37)
- Sales, Marketing & Communication (16)
- Business, Pleasure & Life (23)
- Business Strategy (8)
- Nature's Cycles (4)
- Your Human Operating System (13)
- Divine Feminine Leadership (20)
- Celebrations (11)
- Business, Sex & Being Human: The Radio Show (7)
- Life (1)
- The Podcast (15)
- The Podcast Season 2 (12)
- Healing (5)
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