Why I became a high-functioning alchoholic, and what happened next...

Heros Leigh_LR-1

Yesterday. Tomorrow. The Unknown.

Naked. Heart wide open. Surrendering to life.

Looking back...my journey of transformation all began consciously four and a half years ago on my 34th birthday (a 10 day silent retreat does that to you 😝) when I decided to get out of my own way, invest in myself and TRULY align with my values, principles, mission and purpose to create life that I LOVE! #personalalignment


The journey goes like this…



✔️ Create detailed financial budget (my actio…

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Rejection is redirection. Remember that!

Rejection is redirection

2 and a half years ago my request to work from home one day a week and finish at 2pm on a Friday, to be more present for my then 10 year old son, was rejected.

I’m a single mother, dedicated worker and extremely driven woman.

I am now also the founder of Inategy Business School, a 6-figure + online business school for purpose-driven #entrepreneurs and #conscious #leaders who want to build and grow #sustainable businesses for social impact WITHOUT compromising who they are to achieve their wildest …

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On becoming an #1 international bestselling author

Leigh Turban #12

Building and growing a soul aligned business for increased income and impact is a personal transformation and most certainly a spiritual experience.

One year ago I became a #1 international bestselling author alongside 26 phenomenal Trailblazing women and hit $30k in sales that month.

On the bestseller list for personal transformation and spirituality, our book “TrailBlazers” sat beside Eckhardt Tolle’s “Power of Now, Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People, Joe Dispenza’s “Be…

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Why jumping head first is a great option for success!


My multiple 6-figure and 7-figure mentors and coaches, all tell me the same thing.

Think bigger Leigh.

Be unreasonable Leigh.

Make a decision Leigh.

I get invited to the $10K clubs and multiple 6-figure and 7-figure masterminds.

Not because I think small.

Because I trust myself implicitly.

I have a belief in self that surprises me on most days.

As I am not the most confident person I know and never have been.

All I know is what is important to me, where I’m heading and what I’m conten…

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Parenting & business, there is no separation....here's why...

Noah weapons award

So proud of this Kid!

Remember your intention, and watch the magic unfold.

In recognition of your outstanding performance, exceptional commitment and persistent strive to improve yourself throughout the month, you, Noah the Kid are awarded the Black Sash Club Student of the Month” ~ Shifu Phu Kong, Grand Weapons Master

Do you think the Kid was stocked to receive this award?


He CELEBRATES his accomplishments.

Did he receive it with honour?


He honours HIMSELF and his achievement…

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Growth is a choice, it doesn't come naturally...

Nicola Patterson dancing

When you invest in your growth, you’re enabling yourself to become the person you aspire to be in order to live the life you desire to experience…



to CREATE time and space,

to TAKE ACTION on your learnings IMMEDIATELY.


I’m not one for mucking about hoping that the action that is taken today will yield results a few weeks down the track.


I’m a lover of taking action and getting results IMMEDIATELY.

How did Natalie go…

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I got the job!!!!

Leigh Noah Fiji
When we first met. I pitched him hard.

I let him know who I was, what I stood for and why I was the best person to assist him to realise his dreams.

His call out rate was $10K a day.

For the next two weeks I orientated myself.

Got present to the fact that the infrastructure of the place needed a total overall (more on systems and structures later)

And by day 10, I stood in front of him.

A CEO who had been managing a reputable organisation for 22 years.…

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Designed and built with love by Abbey Pantano-Bramley and Rachelle Deem